Tuesday, May 20, 2008


We all remember these.

The problem with anti drug ads like this classic becomes apparant once you search "anti drug commercials" on youtube. On the first page, out of 20 videos, only two of them are actually real anti-drug commercials; The remaining 18 are parodies of drug commercials. These ads simply can't be taken seriously. If these silly stoners are actually watching these ads, it seems that they are more likely to make a spoof and post it on the internet than to actually consider giving up their habit.

Reports are showing up everywhere that say the ads simply don't work. Some suggest the ads actually encourage some teenagers to experiment with drug use. Yet still, the government put hundred of millions of dollars into these programs, and taxpayers fund the free airtime the commercials recieve. Something isn't working. Perhaps the condescending, contrived delivery so characteristic to these ads is what causes them to be recieved so poorly. Maybe teenagers just aren't stupid enough to believe that if you do drugs that your dog will start talking to you or that if you're high you will inevitably do something you regret that will end up on the internet in the form of a video. The only thing I see ending up here are videos making fun of what just seems like misdirected propaganda. It is pretty funny. Don't do drugs.

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